FNB - Farnell Newark Brasil
FNB stands for Farnell Newark Brasil
Here you will find, what does FNB stand for in Electronics under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Farnell Newark Brasil? Farnell Newark Brasil can be abbreviated as FNB What does FNB stand for? FNB stands for Farnell Newark Brasil. What does Farnell Newark Brasil mean?The Brazil based company is located in Diadema, Sao Paulo engaged in electrical/electronic manufacturing industry.
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Alternative definitions of FNB
- Food and Nutrition Board
- Food and Nutrition Board
- First Chicago Corporation
- Flexible Network Bus
- Frequency - Narrow Band
- Frequency - Narrow Band
- Frequency - Narrow Band
- Flexible Narrow Beam
View 37 other definitions of FNB on the main acronym page
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